Fighting the good fight started at the ripe age of 12

It’s been said that everything we truly needed to know, we learned in Kindergarten. Perhaps so, but advocacy for those whose voices are ignored was a bit more advanced and needed to be developed and honed in middle school.

We didn't have to wait until law school. 

When teachers were laid off unfairly without due process, a young Daniel Bornstein, full of hair, joined a protest to right the wrongs. It is this same fighting spirit our firm embraces to this day. 

In an era when political rhetoric often falls squarely on the side of tenants, Bornstein Law provides a unique voice through the lens of rental property owners.

It seems that lawmakers got together to protect the rights of tenants with comparatively little deliberation on how to defend the rights of owners’. That’s the domain of Bornstein Law.

It’s in our DNA. 

A special thanks to Neil Goldman, who we now nominate as the official class of 85 Historian.