I will document every interaction I have with my tenants.  

In the event that the rental relationship sours, we want a paper trail that documents the forensic history of the tenancy.

For example, if a repair request is made and the landlord effectuated the repair, send a letter to the tenant summarizing the date and nature of the request, what work was performed, and when the job was completed.

This does not mean that housing providers need to capitulate to unreasonable requests. If the request is unreasonable or the tenant can perform the work on their own, put the response in writing, acknowledging the request and explaining why the accommodation cannot be made.

Another example is when a tenant denies or obstructs access to the unit, perhaps out of inconvenience or because there is something he or she is trying to hide from prying eyes. We want to inform the tenant in writing that proper notice was served to allow the owner or their agent to gain entry and they were unable to enter.

If the tenant has an inoperable vehicle parked, document that, as well. If it is believed that there is an unauthorized subletter who has their vehicle parked overnight every night, reduce this to writing. When a tenant complains of loud music at night, so note it and if it continues, document the reoccurrence. The list can go on for infinity.

The quintessential point is that we want to put pen to paper, drawing a timeline and creating a snapshot of the tenancy in case any disputes arise later on. Of course, this is an administrative task and expense but one well worth it to avoid trouble down the road.