Still more tinkering with the rights of rental property owners in Oakland. 

At one time, San Francisco and Berkeley were the greatest bastion of tenant protections, but Oakland has since eclipsed them. Yet it doesn't stop there as advocates push for even more pernicious regulations.

Tenants’ advocates in Oakland and throughout Alameda County can’t seem to stop meddling with regulations that govern landlord-tenant relationships.

We are in receipt of an email from the office of Oakland District One City Councilmember Dan Kalb inviting public comment on a series of proposals.

Before his term ends in December, Mr. Kalb wants to go out with a hurrah by bankrupting landlords. Here is what is on tap:

» Prohibit rent increases and evictions if landlord is more than 60 days delinquent on business taxes.

» Impose fees when landlord is more than 60 days delinquent on business taxes.

» Eliminate bank increases when a property sells.

» Limit period of rent banking to 4 years.OR

» Limit period of rent banking to 5 years. 

» Provide notice/information to tenants of these changes.


We trust that in concert with our industry partners, vocal housing providers will defeat another litany of proposals that would add to an already complicated and cumbersome regulatory regime.