San Francisco Lawyers Specializing In Airbnb Litigation
Bornstein Law has been pioneers in the modern day iteration of the temporary flop and have carved out a niche in the highly specialized and evolving area of law surrounding short term rental agreements.
Overview of Airbnb Litigation By Daniel Bornstein, Esq.
Bornstein Law has seen an increasing number of cases cross our desk in which a tenant is improperly engaging in short term rental agreements, in contravention of the lease. Watch this quick video for an overview of the issues a growing number of Bay Area property owners face with the swapping of their units in the shadows.
Legal Scoop On Airbnb And Short Term Rental Agreements
Get a background into how this phenomena was spawned, how regulators scrambled to restore law and order to these type of agreements, and what you need to know to be in compliance as a host - or how you can enforce your rights if others are profiting from your unit without your permission.
Continuing Litigation For Airbnb
Although Airbnb has emerged as the leader in short term rental agreements, its legal battles are anything but transitory. In this article, we chronicle some of the ongoing lawsuits it is facing and the ones they are leveling on their own.
Airbnb In Spotlight For Racial Slurs Of One Of Its Hosts
One Airbnb host made national news when they denied rental unit based on race. We go beyond the headline to explore the perennial struggle of housing discrimination.
Are you interested in becoming a host?
The San Francisco Office of Short Term Rentals is the body responsible for registering eligible hosts and for administering enforcement of the City's short-term rental regulations. As we've noted in previous articles, they are clamping down on violators with an increased vengeance, so please be put on notice that the rules must be followed to the letter.
Visit their website to get the law of the land →

Contact Bornstein Law for informed advice on short term rental agreements.
415 409 7611